Our Value System
Quality Data Science Education to improve the decision making capabilities and improve the career and lives of learners. -
Reach out to learners around the world and create the largest community. -
Empower everyone .
Holistic Approach
We adhere to an Holistic approach where we see Data Science and Business Intelligence as a single unit and consider the various technologies and tools as parts of the big picture. We made learner aware about all the related technologies and then he/she can choose to become an expert in some specific areas. We encourage learners to see Data science as a whole not in parts.
Commitment to Data Science
We are committed to research, study and teaching of Data Science, Business Intelligence and related areas. This comes from pure passion. We do not want to teach all available technologies and do bad job in all of them. We would rather stick to our passion and provide you the best available trainings and resources to learn and succeed in this area.
Relevant Experience
People involved in the Research and Design of courses have relevant industry experience. These are the people who are working in the industry for more than a decade and were involved in the architecture, design and project management of multi terabytes of Data warehouses. We know that you want to hear from people with ground level experience, not from the people who have knowledge only on paper.
Market Knowledge
When you take up a training course then do you also consider that the company has Market Knowledge and Networking with Industry veterans and relevant companies as a deciding factor? If yes, then we have a good news for you. We are closely working with more than thirty companies to identify and fulfill their needs. We have a good knowledge about the happenings in market and we know what works and what does not work in the market.
The Team
Anand Kumar Agarwal Founder
Anand is responsible for setting up the processes, hiring and technical training. If time permits, Anand reads about latest technological stuff.
Team Founding Team
There are teams to take care of Technology, Marketing, Sales, Training, Support, Recruitment and Operation activities.
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